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3 Sneaky Strategies to Build Your Credit Fast

Most people already know that if they want to build up their credit, they need to pay all of their bills on time and wait for their scores to rise. But what if you don’t have months — or even years — to wait before borrowing money or pursuing a dream? Use these three quick and easy credit “hacks” to build your score fast.

  • Get added as an authorized user on someone else’s account. Do you have a family member who has great credit? Consider asking to be added as an authorized user on one of his or her credit accounts. When your family member pays their bills on time on the account you’re authorized to use, you get credit benefits as well. Just be sure that your family member is up-to-date on their bills — missed payments will also negatively affect your score.
  • Check your credit report for mistakes. Credit reporting mistakes are more common than most people think. Pull your credit reports and carefully look over them to find any errors. For example, if you’ve taken out a low-income auto loan in Philadelphia, PA that the reporting party incorrectly says you missed payments on, report this as an error to the reporting bureau. By law, the credit reporting bureau must investigate your claim and remove the item if they cannot provide documentation of your missed payments.
  • Get credit for paying your rent on time. Do you rent a house, room, or apartment? Talk to your landlord and request that the landlord submit rental payments to the credit reporting bureaus as a recurring payment. This situation is a win-win for both you and your landlord — you get credit for payments you’re already making, and the landlord gets to add another incentive for you to make your payments on schedule.

If you have a non-functional or dangerous vehicle that you rely on to get to school or work, you might not be able to wait to raise your score. PA Auto Credit is proud to provide bad credit car loans in Trenton, NJ that can help you get into the vehicle you need while also building up your score. Give our team a call today at 800-736-4450 to learn more or get started!

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