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8 Ways to Drive Safer During the COVID-19 Pandemic

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect nearly every aspect of life, Americans are coming together to flatten the curve and avoid driving as much as possible to limit the spread of the virus. However, not everyone can work from home — from essential hospital employees to the men and women stocking the shelves at your local grocery store, some travel is inevitable. Luckily, you can still use these essential tips to stay safer on the road this summer and fight back against the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Only Make the Necessary Trips.  One of the most effective ways to protect yourself from COVID-19 is to only make trips when necessary. While not everyone can work from home and have their groceries delivered, there are ways to maximize your trips to ensure that you aren’t going out when it isn’t 100% needed.
    Start by planning out all of your routes for the week. By combining multiple trips into a single errand, you’ll avoid the need to go out later in the week. For example, if you need to go to work, pick up a prescription and go to the bank, you may want to stop at the bank before work, head in for your shift, and then stop by the pharmacy on the way home instead of splitting these chores into different days.

  • Sanitize your vehicle Wipe down your vehicle’s handle, steering wheel and clutch with an antibacterial wipe every time you drive. Even if you have no other passengers in the car with you, it’s better to be safe than sorry in case you have traveled somewhere and unknowingly been exposed to the virus. Ensuring these touchpoints stay sanitized lowers your risk of contracting any illness.
  • Keep Your Windows Open .  Allowing air to freely circulate in your vehicle can lessen the chance of contracting the COVID-19 virus. Whenever possible, leave your windows open while on the road to enhance circulation throughout your car or truck.
    Set yourself up for success on the road by preparing your vehicle before you head out for the day. Take a survey of the front and back seats of your car and remove any paper or items that might fly away in the wind. Throw out any trash that can potentially make its way out of your window, and be sure to wear gloves and a heavy coat if you’re driving when it’s cold out.

  • Avoid making multiple stops for Fuel.   One of the best ways to limit your exposure to the virus is to limit your stops for fuel while driving. Fill up your gas tank completely whenever you need to stop to prevent extra trips later in the week. Plus, the less frequently you are stopping for gas, the less frequently you will be spending all of your gas money!

  • Don’t skip out on vehicle safety.   Though COVID-19 is still affecting most businesses, accidents will continue to occur. To decrease your chance of a collision, it’s worth making sure there is nothing of major concern to your vehicle and that you are still practicing safe driving habits while on the road. If you’re driving an unsafe vehicle and you’re having trouble affording a new one, a bad credit auto loan in Bucks County, PA from PA Auto Credit might help you.

  • Obey Traffic Laws .  Even if you’re concerned about COVID-19, you should never disobey traffic laws. Be aware of local speed limits and be sure that you’re leaving yourself plenty of time to travel before you leave home. Always obey local traffic laws and keep your eyes on the road at all times. Obeying traffic laws won’t only keep you safer—it can also reduce the possibility of being pulled over, which may result in more unnecessary contact.

  • Wash your hands after stopping.   Washing your hands frequently is key to stopping the spread of COVID-19. CDC guidelines recommend washing your hands for at least 20 seconds, or the length of the “Happy Birthday” song twice. If you don’t have access to soap and warm water at your usual stops, keep a bottle of alcohol-based hand sanitizer in your vehicle and use it frequently.
  • Pick up passengers only when necessary.   If your job requires that you carpool or pick up passengers on your way to work, request that everyone entering your vehicle wear a mask or face covering. Avoid shaking hands or making physical contact with passengers.

    As the pandemic continues, you might have less access to carpools or ridesharing pools than you’re used to. If this situation prevents you from getting where you need to go, PA Auto Credit’s bad credit card loans in Philadelphia, PA can make it easier to finance the vehicle you need. Give our team a call today at 1-800-736-4450 to learn more and get started.

Sanitize your vehicle. Wipe down your vehicle’s handle, steering wheel and clutch with an antibacterial wipe every time you drive.
Avoid making multiple stops. One of the best ways to limit your exposure to the virus is to limit your stops while driving. Fill up your gas tank when you need to stop for fuel to prevent another stop later in the week.
Don’t skip out on vehicle safety. Though COVID-19 is still affecting most businesses, accidents will continue to occur. If you’re driving an unsafe vehicle and you’re having trouble affording a new one, a bad credit auto loan in Bucks County, PA from PA Auto Credit might help you.
Wash your hands after stopping. Washing your hands frequently is key to stopping the spread of COVID-19. If you don’t have access to soap and warm water at your usual stops, keep a bottle of alcohol-based hand sanitizer in your vehicle and use it frequently.
Pick up passengers only when necessary. If your job requires that you carpool or pick up passengers on your way to work, request that everyone entering your vehicle wear a mask or face covering. Avoid shaking hands or making physical contact with passengers.
This summer, you might have less access to carpools or ridesharing pools than you’re used to. PA Auto Credit’s bad credit car loans in Philadelphia, PA can make it easier to finance the vehicle you need. Give our team a call today at 800-371-1769 to learn more and get started. 
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